ProgramThe one-and a-half-day (July 22nd-23rd 2019) workshop will consist in a one-day conference and a half-day round-table discussions. For the first day, several presentations are scheduled, each given by an invited speaker for non-specialist researchers. The second day will be organized around two round-tables on prospective and applications. The meeting will cover different subjects related to cold Rydberg atoms:
Monday 22th July 2019, “On the road for ICPEAC: Long-Range Rydberg interactions in cold gases”8:30 Welcome at Ecole Normale Paris-Saclay in Cachan: Coffee 9:00 Introduction P. Pillet 9:15 “Why Rydberg atoms are so interesting: half century research” T. F. Gallagher Rydberg interactions and long-range molecules, Chair: Hossein Sadeghpour9:45 “Rydberg-dressing to engineer ultra-long-range molecules” Robin Côté 10:15 “Hetero-nuclear Rydberg molecules” Johannes Deiglmayr 10:45 Coffee break Interactions, entanglement and quantum gates, Chair: Philippe Grangier
11:15 “Quantum computation using Rydberg atoms”, Mark Saffman 11:45 “Three-body Forster resonances for three-qubit quantum gates”, Ilya Beterov 12:15 “Collisions and interactions between cold Rydberg atoms” Francis Robicheaux 12:45 Lunch buffet + Poster session Rydberg frontiers, Chair: Thomas Killian
14:00 “Studying positive and negative ions with Rydberg spectroscopy”, Tilman Pfau 14:30 “Quantum metrology with Rydberg atoms” Sébastien Gleyzes 15:00 Coffee break Many-body systems and quantum simulation, Chair: Frederic Merkt
15:30 “Driven dissipative dynamics in an open many-body quantum system”, Donatella Ciampini 16:00 “Localization in spin chains with facilitation constraints and disordered interactions”, Igor Lesanovsky 16:30 “Quantum simulation with Rydberg atoms” Mikhail Lukin 17:00 End of “On the road for ICPEAC: Long-Range Rydberg interactions in cold gases” Departure of people participating to tutorials in Caen17:15 General assembly + board meeting of CATMIN 20:00 - 00:00 Conference Diner Tuesday 23rd July 2019, “CATMIN on frontiers of ICPEAC”9:00 “Prospective in cold Rydberg atoms and cold molecules” Moderator: Rosario Gonzales Ferez 9:05 “Divalent Rydberg gases for quantum metrology and simulation”, Matt Jones 10:25 Coffee break 10:55 “New quantum technologies with cold Rydberg atoms and ions” Moderator: Antoine Browaeys 11:00 “Interacting Rydberg ions” Markus Hennrich 12:20 Concluding remarks by Hossein Sadeghpour and Pierre Pillet 12:30 Lunch with sandwiches 14:30 End of the first CATMIN conference |